Love, Joy, Peace...

Interested in receiving texts from bpChurch?

First, text YES to 855-640-8553 to approve receiving texts from the church.  You can opt-out at any time.  We are required to encourage everyone to do this before the church sends texts for weather updates, event changes, and similar.

bpChurch Prayer Chain

To send a prayer request to a larger group of the bpChurch family use   If you would like to join this group send a request to 

MissionConnexion NW This Weekend!

MissionConnexion NW is tomorrow, Friday, January 17 and Saturday, January 18 at Sunset Church in Portland. This free mission conference hosts many workshops and exhibition booths. To learn more or register, click here

Children's Ministry Training

Children's ministry leaders and helpers, please mark your calendars and plan to attend our training and information meeting to be held on February 1 from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Please bring any questions, comments, or suggestions that could help our program. If you're interested in joining our children's ministry team, please feel free to come learn about the different roles and ways you might be able to help. We look forward to seeing you all there. Contact Julie Carlson at 360-931-8079 or Aimee Moehl at 503-799-7990 for more information.

New bpAcademy Classes

New bpAcademy classes for youth and adults start this Sunday, January 19!

Eschatology - What Happens Next begins January 19 at 9:30 a.m. You will gain a clearer understanding of coming events and how our hope in God's future impacts our present life and ministry.

New Testament Survey begins January 19 at 9:30 a.m. You will learn how each New Testament book uniquely contributes various facets to our knowing and following Jesus.

 bpDiscovery Class

New to bpChurch? Or, have you attended for a while and want to take the next step toward church membership? Then check out our upcoming bpChurch membership class! This three part class takes place the Sundays of February 9, 16, and 23 at 9:30 a.m. These classes are a great way to learn about bpChurch's ministry philosophy and beliefs and are also a required step for becoming a member of bpChurch. For more information contact Gary Kinzie at

The bigger picture you will gain from either of these classes will help you better understand wherever you are reading and studying the Bible.

GriefShare's Winter Session Starts Soon

Losing a loved one is a difficult experience, and it can take a long time to heal. GriefShare is a weekly seminar and support group designed to help people work through difficult days. It is led by caring people who have experienced grief and want to help others through it. GreifShare will begin a new session on Wednesday, February 19. It is a 12 week series and will meet on Wednesdays from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Click here to learn more or to register.

New Women's Precepts Bible Study

Ladies, please join us for a ten-week inductive study in 2 Corinthians on Tuesdays, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. beginning February 4 in the Fellowship Hall. 2 Corinthians, "Ministers of Reconciliation," tells us how to be strong in the Lord in the midst of ministry and life when accusations and persecutions are directed toward us. Two levels of study are available. Samples of lessons and sign-ups are available in the PHS commons. Childcare is provided. For more information contact Julie Carlson at 360-931-8079 or Cathe Williams at 360-609-9455.

bpChurch Men's Winter Event at VRPC

The men of bpChurch and their sons are invited to gather at Vancouver Rifle and Pistol Club (no membership required) for a fun morning of firearms and fellowship on Saturday, January 25 from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. This event is open to bpChurch men and their sons aged 8 and up based on maturity level. We will gather in the clubhouse and split into groups to make use of their 12 indoor lanes (17 feet or 50 feet), pausing from 10:00 - 10:45 for a message and combined worship. You are welcome to bring your own firearms (pistol-caliber only) and encouraged to bring your own ear and eye protection. If you don't have any, some will be provided at no charge. Space is limited, so RSVP on bpConnect here soon! For questions, contact Cy Moehl at 503-720-1471 or Shaun Curtain at 360-921-2071.

Youth Winter Retreat

This February there will be a winter retreat for middle and high schoolers filled with games, great food, friends, hiking, worship, and teaching! Winter Retreat will be held at Camp Jonah in Trout Lake, Washington. We will meet at bpChurch on Friday, February 21 at 4 p.m. and will be back at the church on Sunday, February 23 by 1:30 p.m. Register today on bpConnect! There is a discounted price if you register and pay before February 9 so be sure to sign up soon! Questions? Contact our Youth Engagement Team at or talk to Pastor Ryan.

MarriageTeam Coach Training Opportunity

MarriageTeam is a Christian organization that works to save and strengthen marriages and is one of bpChurch's local ministry partners. Marriage Team is looking train volunteer couples who have a heart for serving God and working to save marriages and help couples prepare for marriage. There is a free coach training on March 1, 2025. If you and your spouse are interested in being MarriageTeam coaches, the sign up deadline is Friday, February 14. Click here to sign up or to learn more!

bpChurch Technology Updates

1. Check out the Song Library in bpConnect! This is a new feature. You'll find it when you're signed in to bpConnect and use the "three line" menu to access the Song Library. You'll find all the songs we're using in worship with links to the words, sheet music, and a video.

Coming Events

·    January 19: Eschatology bpAcademy Class begins

·    January 19: New Testament Survey bpAcademy class begins

·    January 25: bpchurch Men's Shooting Event

·    February 1: Children's Ministry Training 

·    February 4: New Women's Precepts Bible Study

·    February 21-23: Youth Winter Retreat

·    March 1: 412 Conference

Online Giving

How can you support the ministry of bpChurch? There are a few options, all of which you can find at and the bpConnect app.

Thank you for your desire to continue supporting the ministry efforts of bpChurch during these challenging times!

Sunday Classes at bpChurch

Each Sunday during the worship services, bpAcademy classes help followers of Jesus have a stronger Biblical foundation that helps them serve and build up others in knowing and following Him.  There are classes at 9:15 am and 11:00 am.  We offer Sunday school classes for preschool and kindergarten during both services.  Sunday school for grades 1-6 is available during the first service.  Nursery is also available during both services.   See the Next Steps Wall in the foyer to learn more about bpAcademy of about Children's Ministry.  Children's Ministry activities are located in the Chapman building on the corner.