Love, Joy, Peace...
Announcements May 19, 2024

Interested in receiving texts from bpChurch?

First, text YES to 855-640-8553 to approve receiving texts from the church.  You can opt-out at any time.  We are required to encourage everyone to do this before the church sends texts for weather updates, event changes, and similar.

bpChurch Prayer Chain

To send a prayer request to a larger group of the bpChurch family use   If you would like to join this group send a request to 

bpChurch Business Meeting This Sunday

There will be a church family meeting this Sunday, May 19 after the worship service at Prairie High School at 12:30 p.m. This will be a great way to learn about all that God has been doing for bpChurch, especially in this season of transition. We hope to see you there!

Ladies Retreat

Ladies, join us this weekend for BP Women's Stay-Treat, "The Glory of Transformation," on May 17-18. Let's gather together and enjoy unhurried fellowship, worship, testimonies, and delicious meals while uniting together as women to worship our God and be strengthened through His holy Word. The Glory of Transformation is based on Titus 2:11-14, our desire is that we all are being transformed to "live self-controlled, upright, and Godly lives." The event is for ladies 14 and up, and will be held at the Copper Barn. If you have questions, contact Velma Robinson at

Hockinson Pancake Breakfast

The annual Fire District 3 fire department pancake breakfast in Hockinson is on Saturday, June 1 and we are looking for volunteers to help out! The pancake breakfast will be on Saturday, June 1 and volunteers are needed from 6:00 a.m. until noon. There will be a signup table in the Prairie High School commons area on Sunday, May 19 and May 26. There will be different time slots you can sign up for if you can't serve the whole time. All proceeds from the breakfast will go to a local family in need. If you have questions, contact Steve Stout at or 360-903-2526.

Graduation Sunday

The end of the school year is coming! Whether you are graduating from high school or college, we want to honor our bpChurch grads during the worship service on Sunday, June 9. If you're graduating, please send your name, school, degree earned, a recent picture of yourself, and your future plans to by Friday, May 31. We are excited to hear from you. Congratulations graduates!

Middle School Sunday School Class

Beginning this Sunday, May 19, Joel Johnson will lead a Middle School/Junior High Boys morning Bible study from 9:30 a.m. to 10:40 a.m. In the Prairie High School commons area. This Bible study is for 12 to 16 year-olds and is a study through the book of 1 Timothy. It aims to encourage young men to grow together in the Word and fellowship. For more information, contact Joel Johnson at 360-936-9680 or

Ministry Opportunities

The bpChurch Tech Team is starting a Media Productions group to create our livestreams each Sunday. This involves a joystick device to control the cameras (position, zoom, etc.) and an easy-to-use software program to select which camera views to include in the final production, etc. This ministry operates only on Sunday mornings and hopefully people would only be scheduled once a month.

We are also looking to expand our sound mixing group. After training, members would mix the sound for the livestream. This allows members to gain valuable experience and help to improve the livestream production. This ministry operates only on Sunday mornings and hopefully people would only be scheduled once a month.

If you are interested or have questions, contact Forrest Fisher at 509-969-0588 or

bpChurch Technology Updates

1. One of our speakers has failed electronics inside and is currently in the repair shop. Temporary replacements were rented starting April 14.

2. The unusual issues with the sound in the livestream have been solved. A default "audio enhancement" setting in Windows 11 on our laptops was the cause and turning the setting off fixed it starting last Sunday.

3. We are using and running our own equipment for sound, projection, and controlling the stage lights while at PHS. BGPS staff are required to run those systems if we were using their systems. This saves bpChurch almost six figures in cost!

Coming Events

·    May 17-18: Ladies Retreat at The Copper Barn

·    May 19: Church Business Meeting

·    June 1: Hockinson Pancake Breakfast

·    June 9: Graduation Sunday

·    July 12-13: Middle School Campout

Online Giving

How can you support the ministry of bpChurch? There are a few options, all of which you can find at and the bpConnect app.

Thank you for your desire to continue supporting the ministry efforts of bpChurch during these challenging times!

Sunday Classes at bpChurch

Each Sunday during the worship services, bpAcademy classes help followers of Jesus have a stronger Biblical foundation that helps them serve and build up others in knowing and following Him.  There are classes at 9:15 am and 11:00 am.  We offer Sunday school classes for preschool and kindergarten during both services.  Sunday school for grades 1-6 is available during the first service.  Nursery is also available during both services.   See the Next Steps Wall in the foyer to learn more about bpAcademy of about Children's Ministry.  Children's Ministry activities are located in the Chapman building on the corner.

Brush Prairie Church
11814 NE 117th Ave, Vancouver, WA 98662
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